- Year 1
- Year 2
- Introduction to Year 2 and Year Outcomes
- Cardiorespiratory 2
- Metabolism 2
- Brain and Behaviour 2
- Human Development 2
- Human Sciences and Public Health 2
- Locomotor 2
- Cancer Week
- Moving and Handling Training
- Year 2 Lifesaver Programme
- Clinical Communication Skills
- Medicine in Society 2
- Extended Patient Contact
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 3
- Introduction to Year 3 and Year Outcomes
- Clinical Science and Professionalism (Weeks 1-3)
- Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Haematology (CR3)
- Gastroenterology and Cancer (MET3A)
- Public Health
- Endocrinology and Renal Medicine (MET3B)
- General Practice and Community Care
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Clinical and Communication Skills
- Year 4
- Introduction and Year 4 Outcomes
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Child Health
- HIV & Sexual Health
- Musculoskeletal
- Health Care of the Elderly
- Neuroscience
- Dermatology
- General Practice and Community Care
- Psychiatry
- Ear, Nose and Throat
- Global Health and Ethics
- Ophthalmology
- Clinical & Communication Skills
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 5
- Introduction to Year 5 and Year Outcomes
- Teaching Week 1
- Teaching Week 2
- Anaesthesia & ITU (AN & ITU)
- Breaking Bad News
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Community Care
- Doctors as Teachers and Educators (DATE)
- Emergency Medicine (EMERG MED)
- General (Internal) Medicine (G(I)M)
- Immediate Life Support (ILS)
- Student Assistantship
- Simulation
- Surgery
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year GEP 1
Year 1 MedSoc1: Medicine in Society 1
- Mrs Maria Hayfron-Benjamin
By the end of the course you will have had the opportunity to:
1. Meet patients early in your undergraduate medical education
2. Begin to understand patients and how they are affected by their condition
3. Appreciate how cultural diversity affects the experience of health and healthcare services
4. Begin to understand the public health influences that affect the development of ill-health and the restoration of the healthy state
5. Meet the primary health care team and to begin to understand the roles of different members of the team
6. Develop good communication skills with patients, health professionals and between peers
7. Understand the importance of the consultation, and skills healthcare professionals use
8. Be introduced to the skills of physical examination
9. Reflect on your own learning in terms of personal and professional development
- General Outcomes for Community Care
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)
- Physiology of Pregnancy - General
- Physiology of Ageing - General
- Medical knowledge: PATHOLOGY (TD 8.7)
- Medical knowledge: NUTRITION (TD 8.11)
- General Outcomes for Nutrition
- Medical knowledge: CLINICAL FEATURES of DISEASE (TD 8 b)
- General Outcomes for Gastrointestinal Disease
- Medical knowledge: SOCIOLOGY (TD 10 a-e)
Community Health
- Recognise how cultural diversity affects the experience of health and healthcare services
- Describe some reasons why patients present in general practice
- Reflect upon what your observations tell you about the area and the community.
- Discuss the role of the primary care team in encouraging people to lead healthier lives
Older People, Illness and Society
- Describe different ways that the elderly are regarded within different groups and communities
- Describe the range of services, people and agencies that are involved in the support of the older patient in the local community
- Explain some of the implications for the health and social services of an ageing population
- Chronic Illness and Disability
- Stigma
Community Health
- Medical knowledge: EPIDEMIOLOGY
- Medical knowledge: PUBLIC HEALTH and GLOBAL HEALTH (TD 11 a-j)
- Medical knowledge: PSYCHOLOGY (TD 9 a-g)
Bio-Psycho-Social Issues
- Explain how patients are affected by their condition
- Reflect on the lived experience of being a new mother
- Discuss the influence of smoking related disease on the doctor-patient relationship
- Describe how patients / carers / family cope with stigma / social isolation
- Discuss the role of voluntary agencies in providing support for families affected by stroke
- Discuss the different factors that influence women's choices in pregnancy and childbirth
- Describe the impact of diabetes on an individual
- Describe the role of support groups in the care of a patient with an illness that could be stigmatising
- Demonstrate an understanding of the effect of poor mobility on the individual
- Examine the influence of people's beliefs, attitudes and values on their ability to change their behaviour
- Describe and reflect on the impact of chronic respiratory disease from a patient's perspective, focusing on the issues of loss of function, autonomy, and well-being and its impact on daily life.
- Discuss how embarrassing symptoms might influence people's decision to visit their doctor
- Discuss the most significant changes parents have to deal with after the birth of a child
Bio-Psycho-Social Issues
- Clinical skills: HISTORY (TD 13 a-b)
- Examination of the Respiratory System
- Clinical skills: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (TD 13 c)
- Examining the Patient
- Clinical skills: DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES (TD 18 a)
- Measuring Blood Glucose
- Blood Pressure
- Respiratory Function Tests
- Height and Weight
- Urinalysis using Multistix
- Clinical skills: FORMULATING A TREATMENT PLAN (TD 14 g)
- General Principles for Pain Relief
- Management of the Normal Pregnancy
Health Promotion - General
- Describe the factors that are important in development of chronic, disabling back pain
- List some of the health promotion services provided by the practice for mothers and their babies
- Describe in detail one health promotion intervention provided for babies or young children
- Describe some of the symptoms that relate to the GI tract
- Describe a health promotion intervention for pregnant women provided by the practice
- Describe some health promotion interventions to reduce the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes
- Critically consider the health promotion information available within the practice
- Describe a health promotion intervention that can reduce the risk of stroke in an individual at risk
- Describe a health promotion intervention you have observed, such as a new patient check
- Preventative care and Screening
Health Promotion - General
- Clinical skills: INTERACTION WITH PATIENTS (TD 15 a-b)
Interacting with Patients - General
- Discuss the impact of stroke on an individual and their family
- Report and reflect on your experience of meeting a patient for the first time as a medical student.
- Identify some of the skills doctors use in their relationships with patient, such as communication, examination and time management skills
- Practice interviewing a patient with poor mobility
- The Elderly Patient
- Communicating with Children
Interacting with Patients - General
- Professional issues: WORKING IN TEAMS (TD 22 a-c)
Primary Care Team / Community Medicine
- Interview a member of staff about their role and responsibilities within the primary care team
- Consider how patients relate differently to different members of the primary health care team
- Describe the roles of different members of the primary health care team
- Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in communicating with patients, health professionals and your peers
- Identify what consultation skills are being used in the consultations you observe (verbal, non-verbal)
- Multi-disciplinary Team Work (MDT)
Primary Care Team / Community Medicine
- Professional issues: ETHICS and LAW (TD 20 a-g)
- Informed Consent
- Good Medical Practice: Ethico-Legal Responsibilities of Patient Care
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)