- Year 1
- Year 2
- Introduction to Year 2 and Year Outcomes
- Cardiorespiratory 2
- Metabolism 2
- Brain and Behaviour 2
- Human Development 2
- Human Sciences and Public Health 2
- Locomotor 2
- Cancer Week
- Moving and Handling Training
- Year 2 Lifesaver Programme
- Clinical Communication Skills
- Medicine in Society 2
- Extended Patient Contact
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 3
- Introduction to Year 3 and Year Outcomes
- Clinical Science and Professionalism (Weeks 1-3)
- Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Haematology (CR3)
- Gastroenterology and Cancer (MET3A)
- Public Health
- Endocrinology and Renal Medicine (MET3B)
- General Practice and Community Care
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Clinical and Communication Skills
- Year 4
- Introduction and Year 4 Outcomes
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Child Health
- HIV & Sexual Health
- Musculoskeletal
- Health Care of the Elderly
- Neuroscience
- Dermatology
- General Practice and Community Care
- Psychiatry
- Ear, Nose and Throat
- Global Health and Ethics
- Ophthalmology
- Clinical & Communication Skills
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 5
- Introduction to Year 5 and Year Outcomes
- Teaching Week 1
- Teaching Week 2
- Anaesthesia & ITU (AN & ITU)
- Breaking Bad News
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Community Care
- Doctors as Teachers and Educators (DATE)
- Emergency Medicine (EMERG MED)
- General (Internal) Medicine (G(I)M)
- Immediate Life Support (ILS)
- Student Assistantship
- Simulation
- Surgery
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year GEP 1
Year 1 LOC1: Locomotor 1
- Dr Lesley Robson
Teaching Material for this Module
Disorders of the Locomotor (musculoskeletal) system are extremely common in the community. They account for up to a third of all General Practitioner consultations and result in huge costs to the economy in terms of time lost from work, costs to industry and the individual, as well as significant disability.
In 2007, musculoskeletal disorders resulted in 9.5 million lost working days, and were estimated to cost society approximately £7.4 billion. In the UK, four out every five adults will experience back pain at some point in their life. Whilst most cases are classed as simple low back pain which will resolve within four weeks, about quarter of patients will suffer from significant pain and disability which lasts for longer than six weeks.
Back pain is the second most frequent cause (after the common cold) for visits to the GP accounting for about 7 million GP visits annually, an estimated cost to the NHS of around £481 million and a further £197 million of non-NHS costs as a result of private consultations and treatment.
What is less well known is that some Locomotor Diseases may also reduce life span of the individual significantly - or can cause life-threatening complications. There are over 200 known rheumatic diseases and over 8 million people in the UK have osteoarthritis or one of the other conditions in this group. Not only are adults affected - one child in every thousand has arthritis so these conditions do
not just affect the elderly. A rheumatic disease causes a significant disability in more than 3 million people in the UK; this is half of the physically disabled adults in the UK.
In order to understand these diseases and understand their impact of the musculoskeletal system, you have to appreciate the basic anatomy of the limbs and vertebral column. This module is designed to introduce you to the normal structure and function of the Locomotor system. It builds on the learning undertaken in the FunMed module on the skeletal/muscle.
- General Outcomes for the Whole Person
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)
- Muscle Function and the Neuromuscular Junction
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)
- General Outcomes for the Musculoskeletal System
- Medical knowledge: ANATOMY (TD 8.1)
Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb
- Be able to identify the bones and the osteology of the elbow joint
- Be able to identify the bones, their arrangements and joints that comprise the pectoral girdle
- Understand the functional anatomy of the glenohumeral joint and its modifications for alloweing movement. Understand the clinical relevance of these modification
- Innervation of the Shoulder, Arm and Hand
- Surface Anatomy of the Shoulder and Upper Limb
- Muscles, Tendons and Movements of the Hand
- Muscles, Tendons and Movement of the Upper Limb
- The Brachial Plexus
- Circulation of the Shoulder, Arm and Hand
- Spinal Regions, Vertebrae and Intervertebral Discs
- Muscles, Tendons and Movement of the Hip and Leg
- Surface Anatomy of the Hip, Leg and Foot
The Knee Joint and Popliteal Fossa
- Describe the extra-capsular and intra-capsular ligaments of the knee joint
- Describe the knee joint and the functional anatomy that provides it with stability
- Be able to describe the structures that pass through the popliteal region
- Know the movements possible at the knee joint and the muscles that produce these movements
- Understand the arrangement of the bones and their osteological features that make up the knee joint
- Circulation of the lower limb and foot
- Innervation of the Lower Limb and Foot
- Bones and Joints of the Hip and Leg
- Muscles, Tendons and Movement of the Foot
Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)
- Joint Structure and Function
- Synovial Fluid
- Walking and Posture
- Skeletal Muscle (Striated Muscle)
- General Musculoskeletal Physiology
Musculosketetal Imaging
- Describe the main features of other imaging modalitites for imaging the skeletal system.
- Be able to describe the role of CT and MRI for imaging the soft tissues
- Understand additional X-Ray based imaging techniques for specialised imaging of the skeletal system
- Be aware of other imaging modalities for assessing muscle and soft tissue
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of X-Rays for imaging the skeletal system
Musculosketetal Imaging
- Medical knowledge: ANATOMY (TD 8.1)