- Year 1
- Year 2
- Introduction to Year 2 and Year Outcomes
- Cardiorespiratory 2
- Metabolism 2
- Brain and Behaviour 2
- Human Development 2
- Human Sciences and Public Health 2
- Locomotor 2
- Cancer Week
- Moving and Handling Training
- Year 2 Lifesaver Programme
- Clinical Communication Skills
- Medicine in Society 2
- Extended Patient Contact
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 3
- Introduction to Year 3 and Year Outcomes
- Clinical Science and Professionalism (Weeks 1-3)
- Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Haematology (CR3)
- Gastroenterology and Cancer (MET3A)
- Public Health
- Endocrinology and Renal Medicine (MET3B)
- General Practice and Community Care
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Clinical and Communication Skills
- Year 4
- Introduction and Year 4 Outcomes
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Child Health
- HIV & Sexual Health
- Musculoskeletal
- Health Care of the Elderly
- Neuroscience
- Dermatology
- General Practice and Community Care
- Psychiatry
- Ear, Nose and Throat
- Global Health and Ethics
- Ophthalmology
- Clinical & Communication Skills
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 5
- Introduction to Year 5 and Year Outcomes
- Teaching Week 1
- Teaching Week 2
- Anaesthesia & ITU (AN & ITU)
- Breaking Bad News
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Community Care
- Doctors as Teachers and Educators (DATE)
- Emergency Medicine (EMERG MED)
- General (Internal) Medicine (G(I)M)
- Immediate Life Support (ILS)
- Student Assistantship
- Simulation
- Surgery
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year GEP 1
Year 4 PSYCH4: Psychiatry
- Professor Ania Korszun
Teaching Material for this Module
To achieve a level of competency in psychiatry to be able safely to carry out the duties of a Foundation Year 1 Doctor in any branch of medicine, and to have the necessary requirements to go on to further training in psychiatry if wished.
To promote respect and understanding of psychiatry as a medical discipline and its importance to other medical specialities.
To dispel attitudes which result in stigmatization of patients with psychiatric disorders.
- General Outcomes for the Whole Person
- General Outcomes for Psychiatry
- Psychotic Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- Mood Disorders (inc. Depression)
- Personality Disorders
- Psychiatric Emergencies
- Somatoform and Factitious Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- Substance Abuse and Dependence
- General Outcomes for the Whole Person
- Professional issues: LEARNING (TD 21 a-d)
- Professional issues: RISK MANAGEMENT and PATIENT SAFETY (TD 23 d)
- Principles of Risk Management
- General Outcomes for Psychiatry
- Medical knowledge: PATHOLOGY (TD 8.7)
- Medical knowledge: EPIDEMIOLOGY
- Accidents and Suicide
- Medical knowledge: PUBLIC HEALTH and GLOBAL HEALTH (TD 11 a-j)
- Lifestyle and Disease
- Clinical skills: HISTORY (TD 13 a-b)
Taking a History
- Achieve a balance between listening and interrupting. To orientate, guide and structure the interview within a time frame.
- Be able to elicit psychiatric signs and symptoms
- Communicate with patients who have psychiatric disorders: obtain information, provide reassurance and establish rapport
- Deal with dilemmas of confidentiality and detaining patients.
- Establish the relationship and in particular to judge the distance both interpersonally and physically that is appropriate when interviewing patients with mental health problems.
- Screen for psychiatric symptoms in a sensitive way
- Demonstrate skills necessary for dealing with aggressive and uncooperative patients
Taking a History
- Clinical skills: MENTAL STATE EXAMINATION (TD 13 d)
Mental State Examination
- Be able to assess suicide risk.
- Be able to assess a patient's potential danger to self or others.
- Be able to assess the seriousness of a suicide attempt.
- Be able to perform a cognitive assessment.
- Be able to present the history and examination findings in a coherent and comprehensive format, both written and oral.
Mental State Examination
- Psychiatric Investigations
- Clinical skills: MAKING A DIAGNOSIS and CLINICAL JUDGEMENT (TD 14 e-f)
- General Outcomes for Psychiatric Diagnosis
- Clinical skills: FORMULATING A TREATMENT PLAN (TD 14 g)
- Management of Psychiatric Disorders
- Psychiatric Emergencies
- Professional issues: ETHICS and LAW (TD 20 a-g)
Ethics in Psychiatry
- Describe the key Sections of the Mental Health Act (including Section 2, Section 3, Section 5(2), with specific reference to admission, compulsory treatment.
- Know how the structure of the Act is designed to try to protect the civil liberties of detained patients.
- Know the conditions for detention of a patient Consider dilemmas of confidentiality and detaining patients.
- Know the indications for, and appropriate steps to be taken when compulsory admission under the Mental Health Act into hospital is required.
Ethics in Psychiatry
- Psychotic Disorders
- General Outcomes for Psychotic Disorders
- To define correctly the term “psychosis”
- To list the features that distinguish schizophrenia from a mood disorder with psychotic features
- To list the features that distinguish schizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizophreniform disorder, schizoaffective disorder and brief psychotic disorder from each other
- Know when and how to use antipsychotic drugs (oral and depot) and know their side effects
- To formulate a differential diagnosis for an individual presenting with psychosis
- Describe an appropriate course of treatment for a patient with schizophrenia including pharmacotherapy and psychosocial support
- Schizophrenia
- To list the features that distinguish schizophrenia from a mood disorder with psychotic features
- Describe an appropriate course of treatment for a patient with schizophrenia including pharmacotherapy and psychosocial support
- To summarise the current knowledge concerning aetiology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of schizophrenia.
- To summarise the clinical features and course of schizophrenia.
- General Outcomes for Psychotic Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders
- General Outcomes for Anxiety Disorders
- Anxiety Disorders: Be able to elicit psychiatric symptoms and signs of a patient with an anxiety disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder
- Anxiety Disorders: Know when and how to use anxiolytic drugs and know their side effects.
- Anxiety Disorders: To describe the treatment, both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic, for each of the anxiety disorders
- Anxiety Disorders: To discuss the diagnosis and management of panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia and specific phobias.
- Anxiety Disorders: To summarise current knowledge of the aetiology, pathophysiology and epidemiology of generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia, agoraphobia and other specific phobias
- To understand the difference between fear and anxiety and the importance of this distinction
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: To summarise current knowledge of the aetiology, pathophysiology and epidemiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: To describe the treatment, both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic, of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: To discuss the diagnosis and management of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- General Outcomes for Anxiety Disorders
- Mood Disorders (inc. Depression)
- General Outcomes for Mood Disorders
- To understand the classification of mood disorders and distinguish between unipolar depression and bipolar disorder
- To list the features that distinguish schizophrenia from a mood disorder with psychotic features
- To describe the treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance.
- To summarise the signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, course of illness, co-morbidity, prognosis and complications of mood disorders
- Know when and how to use antimanic agents and know their side effects.
- To be able to screen for depressive symptoms
- To be able to screen for manic and hypomanic symptoms
- To be able to screen for suicidality and to identify and manage suicide risk in a general medical setting
- To describe the treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance
- Know when and how to use antidepressants and know their side effects
- Know when and how to use antimanic agents and know their side effects
- To understand the differences between depressive symptoms and depressive disorders and why the distinction is important
- To understand the differences between sadness and grief associated with life events and depressive disorders
- Bi-polar Disorder
- Pharmacological Management of Depression
- General Outcomes for Mood Disorders
- Personality Disorders
- General Outcomes for Personality Disorders
- Explain the basics of how personality traits and disorders are defined and classified.
- Outline the clinical features common to all personality disorders and the features which distinguish them.
- Know how to elicit psychiatric symptoms and signs of a patient with a personality disorder.
- Know the community resources required for the optimum rehabilitation and management of severe personality disorders.
- Appreciate moral difficulties posed by serious personality disorder and for the care of those so affected.
- To state the moral difficulties posed by serious personality disorder for the care of those so affected
- General Outcomes for Personality Disorders
- Psychiatric Emergencies
- General Outcomes for Psychiatric Emergencies
- Be able to assess a patient's potential danger to self or others.
- To have an overview of the major types of psychiatric emergencies
- To know of risk factors and assessment of risk for psychiatric conditions
- Alcoholic Withdrawal Syndrome: Know the management of alcohol withdrawal, including delirium tremens
- Know the symptoms and management of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
- Know the symptoms and management of Serotonin syndrome
- Know the symptoms and management of movement disorders including extra-pyramidal side effects; acute dystonia; akathisia and tardive dyskinesia
- General Outcomes for Psychiatric Emergencies
- Somatoform and Factitious Disorders
- General Outcomes for Somatoform and Factitious Disorders
- Eating Disorders
- General Outcomes for Eating Disorders
- Learning Disabilities
- General Outcomes for Learning Disabilities
- Know the aetiology and prevalence of a learning disability
- Know the aetiology, prevalence and presentation of mental illness and behavioural problems in people with learning disability
- Know the definition of a learning disability
- Understand the assessment of psychiatric disorders in people with learning disabilities
- Understand the importance of community integration for people with learning difficulties
- Understand the stigma and prejudice associated with learning disabilities
- Understand the treatment of psychiatric disorders in people with learning disabilities
- Know the community resources required for the optimum rehabilitation and management of learning disabilities in children and adults
- Be able to communicate effectively with people with learning difficulties.
- Know and appreciate the importance of valuing skills of people with learning disability
- Know how to assess capacity to consent to treatment
- General Outcomes for Learning Disabilities
- Substance Abuse and Dependence
- General Outcomes for Substance Abuse and Dependence
- Show a non-judgemental attitude to patients with substance misuse problems
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Describe the impact of alcohol and drug misuse and dependence on the family and society
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Describe the psychological effects of the misuse of alcohol and other illicit drugs
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Describe the range of individuals and services that are available to help the problem drinker and drug user and how to match the individual with the most appropriate service
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Know the community resources required for the optimum rehabilitation and management of substance misuse and dependence
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Know the investigations undertaken in cases of alcohol and substance misuse
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: List the social and behavioural associations of alcohol and drug misuse and dependence
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Describe the pharmacological and metabolic effects of alcohol and other drugs of misuse.
- Alcohol Abuse
- Alcohol Abuse: Describe the use of simple behavioural screening tests to recognise problematic alcohol use
- Alcohol Abuse: Describe the structural and functional effects of alcohol on the cardiovascular system including cardiomyopathy
- Alcohol Abuse: Describe the structural and functional effects on alcohol on the Gastrointestinal System, including Mallory-Weiss syndrome, gastritis, pancreatitis, alcoholic liver disease and the effect on nutrition
- Alcoholic Withdrawal Syndrome
- Alcoholic Withdrawal Syndrome: Know the management of alcohol withdrawal, including delirium tremens
- Alcoholic Withdrawal Syndrome: Describe the management of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome and the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
- Alcoholic Withdrawal Syndrome: Describe the structural and functional effects on alcohol on the neuropsychiatric system including the alcohol withdrawal syndrome, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, polyneuropathy, cerebellar degeneration and myopathy
- General Outcomes for Substance Abuse and Dependence