- Year 1
- Year 2
- Introduction to Year 2 and Year Outcomes
- Cardiorespiratory 2
- Metabolism 2
- Brain and Behaviour 2
- Human Development 2
- Human Sciences and Public Health 2
- Locomotor 2
- Cancer Week
- Moving and Handling Training
- Year 2 Lifesaver Programme
- Clinical Communication Skills
- Medicine in Society 2
- Extended Patient Contact
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 3
- Introduction to Year 3 and Year Outcomes
- Clinical Science and Professionalism (Weeks 1-3)
- Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Haematology (CR3)
- Gastroenterology and Cancer (MET3A)
- Public Health
- Endocrinology and Renal Medicine (MET3B)
- General Practice and Community Care
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Clinical and Communication Skills
- Year 4
- Introduction and Year 4 Outcomes
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Child Health
- HIV & Sexual Health
- Musculoskeletal
- Health Care of the Elderly
- Neuroscience
- Dermatology
- General Practice and Community Care
- Psychiatry
- Ear, Nose and Throat
- Global Health and Ethics
- Ophthalmology
- Clinical & Communication Skills
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year 5
- Introduction to Year 5 and Year Outcomes
- Teaching Week 1
- Teaching Week 2
- Anaesthesia & ITU (AN & ITU)
- Breaking Bad News
- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Community Care
- Doctors as Teachers and Educators (DATE)
- Emergency Medicine (EMERG MED)
- General (Internal) Medicine (G(I)M)
- Immediate Life Support (ILS)
- Student Assistantship
- Simulation
- Surgery
- Student Selected Component (SSC)
- Year GEP 1
Year 2 Yr2intro: Introduction to Year 2 and Year Outcomes
Year 2 is Stage 2 of the MBBS programme and in this stage you will build further understanding of the Systems, with a focus on abnormal function in disease.
Blocks of learning are devoted to each of: Cardiorespiratory, Metabolism, Human Development, Brain and Behaviour, Locomotor, Human Science and Public Health and Cancer.
In Stage 2 we expect you to:
- Develop an understanding of specific diseases and conditions affecting the main body systems;
- Relate the associated signs and symptoms to underlying basic science and pathological principles;
- Continue to develop clinical and communication skills through training in the clinical skills laboratory and in supervised interaction with patients in out-patient and general practice settings;
- Continue to develop critical appraisal skills and scientific reasoning;
- Continue to study in context relevant psycho-social, legal, ethical and public health issues.
- General Outcomes for the Whole Person
- Professional issues: WORKING IN TEAMS (TD 22 a-c)
- Professional issues: LEARNING (TD 21 a-d)
- Strengths and Limitations
- Attitudes to Learning
- Professional issues: ETHICS and LAW (TD 20 a-g)
- General Outcomes for Medical Professionalism
- Professional issues: MEDICAL FRAMEWORK IN THE UK (TD 23 c)
Medical Leadership and Management - General
- Recognise the duty to take action if a colleague's health, performance or conduct is putting patients at risk (GMC)
- Demonstrate awareness of the role of doctor as manager, including seeking ways to continually improve the use and prioritisation of resources
- Understand the framework in which medicine is practised in the UK including the organisation, management and regulation of healthcare provision and the structure and functions of the NHS
Medical Leadership and Management - General
- Professional issues: PERSONAL ATTITUDES and SELF CARE (TD 23 f-j)
- General Outcomes for Personal Attitudes and Self Care