GMC Domains
- Medical knowledge: ANATOMY (TD 8.1)
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)
- Medical knowledge: BIOCHEMISTRY (inc. Metabolism) (TD 8.3)
- Medical knowledge: CELL BIOLOGY (TD 8.4)
- Medical knowledge: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY and GENETICS (TD 8.5, 8.6)
- Medical knowledge: PATHOLOGY (TD 8.7)
- Medical knowledge: CANCER
- Medical knowledge: IMMUNOLOGY and INFLAMMATION (TD 8.8)
- Medical knowledge: MICROBIOLOGY and INFECTION (TD 8.9)
- Medical knowledge: PHARMACOLOGY (TD 8.10)
- Medical knowledge: NUTRITION (TD 8.11)
- Medical knowledge: CLINICAL FEATURES of DISEASE (TD 8 b)
- Clinical skills: MAKING A DIAGNOSIS and CLINICAL JUDGEMENT (TD 14 e-f)
- Clinical skills: FORMULATING A TREATMENT PLAN (TD 14 g)
- Clinical skills: SURGERY and ANAESTHETICS (TD 14 g)
- Professional issues: DUTIES OF A DOCTOR (TD 23 a-b)
- Professional issues: MEDICAL FRAMEWORK IN THE UK (TD 23 c)
- Professional issues: RISK MANAGEMENT and PATIENT SAFETY (TD 23 d)
- Professional issues: GOVERNANCE, QUALITY MATTERS and AUDIT (TD 23 e)
- Professional issues: PERSONAL ATTITUDES and SELF CARE (TD 23 f-j)
- Patient Management - General
- Community Care
- Pain Relief
- Patient Nutrition
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Cardiorespiratory Disorders
- Renal Disorders
- Respiratory Disorders
- Haematological Disorders
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders
- Endocrinological Disorders
- Child Health Disorders
- Sexual Health Disorders (inc. HIV)
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Disorders of the Elderly
- Psychiatric Disorders
- Neurological Disorders
- Ophthalmological Disorders
- Dermatological Disorders
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Patient Management - General
- General Principles of Patient Management
- Can formulate an initial managment plan for a patient with one of the 30 key medical conditions (click here for list)
- Diagnose and manage clinical presentations (click to see list) (YR5intro)
- Is able to deliver (under supervision), peri-operative care to surgical patients (click here for list of 7 key competencies)
- Has an in depth understanding of how to manage conditions commonly encountered in community practice (click here to see list) (GP5)
- Recognition and management of sudden and undifferentiated illness in the community (click to see list) (GP5)
- Understand the key elements in managing all aspects of medical illness
- Has a general understanding of how undifferentiated patients are managed within a hospital setting
- Demonstrate the importance and problems in patients' adherence to therapy (GP5)
- Can competently perform handovers
- Learn to apply theoretical knowledge to clinical practice in cardio-respiratory, gastrointestinal, metabolic and some neurology areas (GPCC3)
- Recognize the importance of a holistic approach, with particular reference to chronic disease management and palliative care (GPCC3)
- Examine the interface between primary and secondary care and the integration of community and hospital services (GPCC3)
- General Principles of Patient Management
- Community Care
- Disease Management in the Community
- Has an in depth understanding of how to manage conditions commonly encountered in community practice (click here to see list) (GP5)
- Provide the major arguments supporting denial of NHS treatment from those condition was caused by their lifestyle. ()
- Provide the major arguments against denial of NHS treatment from such patients. ()
- Understand the role of informal carers in the community (GP5)
- Understands the importance of the family as well as the cultural, socio-economic and psychological background in the management of patients and how they present in general practice (GP5)
- Understand the relationship between primary care and community services, secondary care, social services and the “voluntary sector (GP5)
- Understands the difference between general practice/community based practice and hospital based practice (GP5)
- Illness in the community
- Out of hours care
- Health promotion and disease prevention
- Poisoning
- Pain Relief
- Disease Management in the Community
- Pain Relief
- General Principles for Pain Relief
- Explain how a condition or disease can stigmatise a patient (MedSoc1)
- Discuss the challenges for the doctor caring for a patient with chronic pain (MedSoc1)
- Practise interviewing a patient with chronic pain (MedSoc1)
- Can describe a range of pharmacological, physical and psychological interventions for pain control.
- Can outline the role of the pain management specialist and demonstrate the ability to access and interact with the pain management team
- General Principles for Pain Relief
- Patient Nutrition
- Nutrition
- List the treatment options for obesity
- Can select an appropriate method of ensuring adequate nutrition to meet a patient's needs
- Can explain the role of nutrition as a major therapy in some medical and surgical conditions
- Knows how to appropriately access, refer and interact with the nutritional support team
- Be able to appropriately access, refer and interact with the nutritional support team
- Nutrition
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- General Outcomes for Cardiovascular Disorders
- Hypertension - General
- Hypertensive Emergencies
- Angina - General
- Angina - Acute Management
- Angina - Coronary Intervention
- Coronary Syndrome & Myocardial Infarction - General
- Coronary Syndrome & Myocardial Infarction - Acute Management
- Arrhythmias and Conduction Defects - General
- Arrhythmias and Conduction Defects - Management
- Describe the management of arrhythmias listed including termination of arrhythmias, control of heart rate and prevention of recurrence
- Know how to manage a patient with a cardiac arrest in line with current UK Resuscitation Council Guidelines
- Learn the role of anticoagulation in cardiac arrhythmias, particularly in atrial fibrillation (CR3, CR3)
- Discuss indications for "electrical treatment" of arrhythmias (cardioversion, pacemaker and ablation) and describe how each procedure is done (CR3)
- Describe methods that can be used to reduce recurrence of arrhythmias including treatment of underlying cause, drug treatment and radiofrequency ablation (CR3)
- Summarise the management of arrhythmias listed including termination of arrhythmias, control of heart rate and prevention of recurrence (CR3)
- Cardiac Failure and Pulmonary Oedema
- Circulatory Failure and Shock
- Cardiogenic Shock
- Cardiorespiratory Arrest
- Know how to perform basic life support including a) assessment and maintenance of the airway; b) respiratory support; c) cardiac massage (CR3)
- Explain the importance of rapid defibrillation in a patient with VF or pulseless VT (CR3)
- Demonstrate the positioning of defibrillator gel pads and safe use of a defibrillator (CR3)
- Describe how you would administer defibrillation to a patient in ventricular fibrillation (CR3)
- Explain why the cardiac arrest team is NOT called for all patients that have cardiorespiratory arrest. (CR3)
- Discuss how the decision not to call the arrest team is made and describe how the patient and their family should be involved in this process (CR3)
- Cerebro-Vascular Disease
- Renal Vascular Disease
- Carotid Stenosis
- Mesenteric Ischaemia
- Infective Endocarditis
- Valvular Heart Disease - General
- Ischaemia and Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Varicose Veins
- Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis
- Limb Ischaemia and Peripheral Vascular Disease
- Ulceration and Gangrene
- Describe the risk factors for decubitus ulcers (CR3)
- Describe measures for the primary and secondary prevention of leg ulcers (CR3)
- Discuss the treatment options for a patient with chronic leg ulcers including a) management of the underlying cause b) dressings and bandaging and c) skin grafting (CR3)
- Describe the management of each type of gangrene (CR3)
- Describe how skin ulceration can be prevented (CR3)
- Arterial Aneurysms
- Pericardial Disease
- Myocardial Disease and Cardiomyopathy
- Congenital Cardiovascular Disease
- Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease
- Cardiorespiratory Disorders
- Renal Disorders
- Renal Replacement Therapies (exc. Transplantation)
- Be aware of the limitations, advantages and disadvantages of haemodialysis
- Understand the principles and practical aspects of haemodialysis and be aware of its limitations, advantages and disadvantages
- Understand the principles and practical aspects of haemodialysis
- Be aware of the limitations, advantages and disadvantages of peritoneal dialysis
- Understand the principles and practical aspects of peritoneal dialysis in its many forms
- Understand the principles and practical aspects of peritoneal dialysis and be aware of its limitations, advantages and disadvantages
- Understand the methods of blood purification and fluid removal such as peritoneal and haemodialysis, continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration (CAVH) and CAVH / Dialysis
- Renal Replacement Therapies (exc. Transplantation)
- Respiratory Disorders
- General Outcomes for Respiratory Disorders
- Discuss how variable the symptom of breathlessness may be, and how it may or may not correlate with other tests of lung function. (CR2)
- Describe the effects of airway resistance, chest wall loading and chest wall stiffness on breathlessness; describe the ways in which we may treat this sensation (CR2)
- Explain how to diagnose and treat lower respiratory tract infections.
- Explain the role of specialist nurse practitioners and self management plans in the management of asthma (CR3)
- Asthma
- List the types and triggers of bronchial asthma (CSP3)
- Explain the rationale behind the stepwise approach used in asthma management and demonstrate use of the British Thoracic Society (BTS) and Scottish Intercollegiate Network (SIGN) guidelines to choose treatments for asthma (CR3)
- Be able to recognise differences and similarities in the management of asthma and COPD (CR3)
- Explain how clinical features can be used to determine if an attack is an acute severe asthma attack, a life-threatening asthma attack, brittle asthma or near fatal asthma
- Describe the emergency management of asthma in a person presenting to Emergency Department and indications for admission (CR3)
- Discuss the role of intensive care in managing an acute asthma attack (CR3)
- Describe how a patient with acute asthma should be monitored following admission to hospital (CR3)
- Describe measures that should be taken prior to hospital discharge to prevent asthma recurrence (CR3)
- Discuss how asthma is defined, diagnosed and the measurements used in its management and diagnosis. (CR2)
- Discuss the various triggers that can affect an asthmatic and the effect on their airways and lung function. (CR2)
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Explain the rationale behind the stepwise approach to COPD management and demonstrate use of the British Thoracic Society and NICE guidelines on COPD to choose drugs for COPD (CR3)
- Learn complications of COPD and describe their investigation and management (CR3)
- Describe the emergency management of a patient with an acute exacerbation of COPD (CR3)
- Respiratory Failure
- Define Type 1 and Type 2 respiratory failure
- Explain the importance of correcting hypoxia in respiratory failure (CR3)
- Discuss situations in which treatment may not be appropriate for ventilatory failure and describe palliative measures that could be used to relieve symptoms in these patients (CR3)
- Describe treatment options for patients with ventilatory failure including: non-invasive ventilation; continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP); bi-phasic positive airways pressure (biPAP); invasive ventilation
- Pneumonia
- Explain how and why management differs in those with mild, moderate and severe pneumonia (CR3)
- Give reasons for hospital admission with pneumonia (CR3)
- Compare and contrast lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumonia with particular reference to clinical features, pathogenesis, macroscopic appearance and complications
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Outline the management of a patient with a suspected massive pulmonary embolism (CR3)
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of thrombolysis and surgery in a patient with a massive pulmonary embolus (CR3)
- Discuss the treatment of DVT and pulmonary embolism and the prognosis in both conditions. (CR2)
- Lung Cancer
- Describe the clinical course and prognosis of patients with small cell lung cancer
- Describe the management of small cell lung cancer if: a) locally advanced; b) metastatic
- Describe the management of non-small cell lung cancer if: a) operable; b) locally advanced; c) metastatic
- Discuss in outline the various treatments available for lung cancer.
- Understand the role of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and palliative care in the management of bronchial carcinoma (CR3)
- Describe the clinical course and prognosis of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (CR3)
- Discuss the side effects and expected benefits of each treatment for non-small cell cancer (CR3)
- Discuss the side effects and expected benefits of the treatment for small cell cancer (CR3)
- Explain how treatment may result in either improvement or deterioration in quality of life and discuss how treatment decisions are made (CR3)
- Learn symptoms experienced by patients dying of lung cancer and describe palliative measures which may be used to relieve each one (CR3)
- Describe the role of the palliative care home team in supporting patients dying at home and their families (CR3)
- Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- Pleural Effusion and Pleural Disease
- Pneumothorax
- Describe conservative, medical and surgical management of pneumothorax and when each should be considered (CR3)
- Describe how an underwater chest drain is managed on a day to day basis on the ward (CR3)
- Describe the criteria used in order to remove a chest drain in a patient (CR3)
- Describe the role of smoking cessation in patients with pneumothorax (CR3)
- Explain why a tension pneumothorax is life threatening (CR3)
- Describe the emergency management of a tension pneumothorax (CR3)
- Chest Trauma and Haemothorax
- Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis
- Interstitial Lung Disease
- Sarcoidosis
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Occupational Lung Disease
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Learn the risk factors for deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (CR3)
- Describe the management of a post-thrombotic limb and of venous ulceration (CR3)
- Explain when hospital in-patients shoud receive prophylaxis against DVT and describe how this is done
- Discuss the treatment of DVT and pulmonary embolism and the prognosis in both conditions. (CR2)
- General Outcomes for Respiratory Disorders
- Haematological Disorders
- General Outcomes for Haematological Disorders
- Anaemia
- Discuss investigation and management of normocytic anaemia (CR3)
- Outline the investigation and management of a patient with iron deficiency anaemia (CR3)
- Describe the investigation and management of a patient with haemolytic anaemia
- Describe an approach to the investigation and management of a patient with anaemia (CR3)
- Blood Transfusion
- Have an understanding of the history of blood transfusion.
- Recognise the importance of the Blood Transfusion Service and identify the various blood components available for transfusion. (CR3)
- Recall the indications for a blood transfusion
- Understand the methods of blood collection and processing.
- Summarise the complications of blood transfusion and outline measures that can be taken to prevent these adverse effects
- Describe the dangers of blood transfusion involving red blood cells.
- Explain what ABO and Rh blood and plasma is suitable to transfuse to patients, and list reasons for wanting to transfuse these.
- Have an understanding of compatibility testing and the antiglobulin test with relation to ensuring patient safety.
- Develop a plan to investigate and manage a patient suspected of receiving an incompatible transfusion
- Be able to identify the various blood components available for transfusion and their clinical indications
- Draw a flow chart, detailing the procedures to be followed between deciding to transfuse a patient with red cells and successful transfusion of one unit of blood, highlighting issues of particular importance in this process.
- Define the clinical importance of the different types of antigen and antibody
- List the most important blood groups and their associated antibodies
- Has a full understanding of blood transfusions including management of adverse events.
- Tropical Haematological Disorders
- Haemoglobinopathies (Sickle Cell / Thalassaemia)
- Benign White Cell Disease
- Bleeding Disorders
- Disorders of Haemostasis
- Be aware of the therapeutic approaches used to manage bleeding disorders (CR3)
- Identify the various treatment options for patients with haemophillia and Von Willebrand's Disease, and be aware of their complications (CR3)
- See haemophilia as a disease which can be managed by patients and their parents in the community with specialist help from a wide range of healthcare professionals
- Venous Thromboembolism
- Understand the significance of venous thromboembolism (VTE) morbidity and mortality in the whole hospital setting and to appreciate that much of this is preventable (CR3)
- Understand the process and justification for VTE risk assessment of hospitalised patients and alternative policy approaches to thromboprophylaxis (CR3, CR3)
- Describe methods and effectiveness of VTE prevention strategies along with their contraindications (CR3, CR3)
- Leukaemias (Myeloproliferative Disorders and Myelodysplasia)
- Myeloma
- Lymphoma
- Polycythaemia
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- General Outcomes for Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Acute Abdomen
- Hernia - General
- Know the management plan for a patient presenting with direct and indirect herniae; a femoral hernia; a strangulated hernia and a lump in the groin
- Know the princples, indications, contra-indications and complications of the NON-operative management of the following hernias: inguinal; umbilical; epigastric
- Understand that a strangulated hernia can lead to ischaemia, perforation and sepsis
- Understand the principles of and the use of fluids, nasogastric intubation, antibiotics and urinary catheterisation in the stabilisation and monitoring of patients presenting with strangulated hernias
- Pancreatitis
- Cholecystitis
- Bowel Obstruction
- Peptic Ulcer Disease and GORD
- Describe the treatment options for the management of peptic ulceration and non-ulcer dyspepsia (MET3A)
- Describe the treatment options for uncomplicated duodenal ulceration (MET3A)
- Describe the therapeutic treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)
- Discuss the management of recurrent peptic ulceration (MET3A)
- Know how to manage a patient with complicated peptic ulceration (MET3A)
- Know the initial resuscitative measures in a patient with a perforated peptic ulcer (MET3A)
- Know the conservative management of a perforated peptic ulcer and its indications (MET3A)
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding
- Be able to list the methods of fluid resuscitation (MET3A)
- Be able to outline the risk stratification of patients with a high risk of re-bleeding (MET3A)
- Know how to manage a patient with an acute GI bleed (MET3A)
- Know and understand the complications of massive blood transfusion (MET3A)
- Know the initial management of gastrointestinal haemorrhage (MET3A)
- Oesophageal Cancer
- Gastric Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- GI Trauma
- Be able to describe the physiological response to injury
- Know how to assess priorities during all phases of management of abdominal trauma
- Know that the severely injured patient requires a high level of physiological support but also appropriately timed surgical intervention
- Understand the concept of damage limitation surgery
- Know the importance of re-assessment of the patient with regard to earlier interventions
- Know the meaning and significance of a patient with polytrauma
- Know the meaning of missed injuries and be able to list these
- Know the meaning of primary and secondary survey
- Know the meaning and importance of triage
- Recognise the importance of analgesia in the management of trauma patients
- Understand the importance of the ATLS strategy and systematic approach: rapid primary survey; concurrent resuscitation; secondary survey; continued re-evaluation and monitoring; investigation and definitive care
- Know the importance of classifying abdominal trauma into penetrating and blunt injuries
- Know the indication for diagnostic peritoneal lavage in the management of abdominal trauma
- Know the indications for operative and non-operative management of a patient with abdominal trauma
- Know the management of a patient with bowel, liver or splenic injury
- Understand abdominal compartment syndrome
- Understand the role of investigation and treatment is dependent on the haemodynamic status of the patient
- Malabsorption Disorders
- Diarrhoea and Inflammatory Disorders
- Understand from a patient perspective of living with inflammatory disease (MET3A)
- Recognise when a patient should be referred for specialist treatment (MET3A)
- Understand the medical options of treatment of IBD (MET3A)
- Understand the surgical options of treatment of IBD (MET3A)
- Understand the following issues with a patient who has an inflammatory bowel disease: importance of nutrition; drugs used to maintain remission; surveillance for colonic cancer; risk of osteoporosis and measures to reduce this; sources of support and info (MET3A)
- Understand the public health implications and management of infectious diarrhoea (MET3A)
- List the complications of IBD, in particular the extra-intestinal manifestations (MET3A)
- Describe the management of acute infective diarrhoea (MET3A)
- Outline the management of a patient with acute ulcerative colitis (MET3A)
- Outline the management of a patient with Crohn's Disease affecting the small bowel (MET3A)
- Outline the risk of colonic malignancy in IBD; describe the methods used in screening for malignancy in IBD (MET3A)
- Be able to recognise potentially life-threatening complications of inflammatory bowel disease (MET3A)
- Know how manifestations of Crohn's depends on site and severity of disease (MET3A)
- Know how to manage a patient with active Crohn's Disease in line with current BSG guidelines (MET3A)
- Know how to manage a patient with severe ulcerative colitis in line with current BSG guidelines (MET3A)
- Understand the role of monitoring patients with inflammatory bowel disease (MET3A)
- Liver Disease
- Vascular Conditions / Ischaemia (See also Cardiovascular)
- Aneurysm (See also Cardiovascular)
- Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders
- General Outrcomes for Renal and Urinary Tract Disorders
- Nephrotic Syndrome and Glomerulonephritis
- Know the differing diagnostic / treatment approaches to childhood and adult nephrotic syndrome
- Be aware of the factors that indicate poor prognosis with any glomerulonephritis
- Know the association between systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the kidney
- Know and understand principles that govern the treatment of nephrotic syndrome
- Acute Renal Failure
- Understand the cause and management of the diuretic phase during recovery from acute renal failure
- Know the difference between crystalloid, colloid and blood products and the appropriate use of these solutions in managing patients with acute renal failure
- Understand prevention and management of life threatening complications of acute renal failure especially: hyperkalaemia; pulmonary oedema and severe uraemia
- Chronic Renal Failure
- Renal Replacement Therapies (Inc. Transplantation)
- Malignancies of the Renal Tract
- Renal Stone Disease and Renal Tract Calcification
- Bladder Dysfunction and Urinary Tract Infection
- Understand that clinical significance and duration of treatment of UTI's varies depending on the group of patients treated eg children; pregnant women; non-pregnant sexually active women; young men; elderly and people with abnormal urinary tracts
- Understand the risk of urinary tract infection in patients with congenital abnormalities of the renal tract
- Understand principles of treatment and when prophylaxis may be indicated
- Endocrinological Disorders
- General Outcomes for Endocrinological Disorders
- Diabetes - General
- Describe the principles of management of the newly diagnosed diabetic patient including the role of diet
- Describe the long term complications of diabetes and recognise the importance of education, preventative medicine, early recognition and treatment of hypertension, retinopathy and other vascular risk factors
- Know the presentation and management of Diabetes
- Be aware of the fungal infections that may present in patients who have diabetes
- Diabetes and Hyponatraemia
- Diabetic Emergencies
- Thyroid Disorders - General
- Adrenal Disorders
- Child Health Disorders
- Management of Disorders in Children
- To be aware of paediatric orthopaedic conditions and common treatment options
- Discuss the difference between a lesion, impairment, disability and handicap (GEP/HD, HD2)
- Understand the presentation, diagnosis and management of common child health problems seen in the community such as (click to see checklist) (CC4)
- Management of Neonatal Problems
- Management of Premature and Low Birthweight Babies
- Management of Childhood Infections - General
- Management of Abused and Neglected Children
- Perinatal and Childhood Death
- Explain methods available to avoid perinatal loss (GEP/HD, HD2)
- Management of Childhood Malignancies
- Management of Disorders in Children
- Sexual Health Disorders (inc. HIV)
- Management Sexual Health Disorders (Inc. HIV) - General
- To manage under supervision the following medical conditions which are not immediately life threatening but which require early treatment: female lower abdominal pain, genital ulceration / discharge / lumps, testicular pain
- Understand the management of psychosexual disorders in male and female patients. (I&I 4)
- Describe the management of a person who has sustained a needlestick injury from a known HIV positive source (I&I 4)
- Formulate a plan for the treatment and prevention of neurological disease in HIV (I&I 4)
- Describe the principles of diagnosis, management and prevention of opportunistic fungi and protozoa (I&I 4)
- List treatment options for genital warts (I&I 4)
- List treatments for NGU, Chlamydia, Gonorrohea and LGV (I&I 4)
- With reference to HIV, Hepatitis B and C and STDs the student should be able to: a) Identify the skills, roles and responsibilities of the health care team; b) To understand that a patient needs to give consent for an HIV test and that pre-test/post-test counselling are no longer performed routinely in order to reduce the stigma associated with HIV. (I&I 4)
- Offer STI & HIV testing as part of management (I&I 4)
- Describe the principles underpinning the diagnosis, management and prevention of opportunistic bacterial and viral infection in HIV infected patients (I&I 4)
- Offer STI & HIV testing as part of management (I&I 4)
- To understand the efficacy, side effects, drug interactions and contraindications of drugs used in the management of STIs (I&I 4)
- Describe the treatment of Hepatitis B and C and how this differs in the context of HIV co-infection (I&I 4)
- Offer STI & HIV testing as part of genital wart management (I&I 4)
- Describe the management of a person who has sustained a needlestick injury from a known HIV positive source (I&I 4)
- Explain other aspects of management – eg Patient Information, Partner Notification issues, condom use (I&I 4)
- Explain other aspects of management – eg Patient Information, Partner Notification issues, condom use (I&I 4)
- Formulate a plan for the treatment and prevention of opportunistic bacterial and viral pathogens (I&I 4)
- Offer STI and HIV testing if appropriate (I&I 4)
- List treatments for HSV and Syphilis (I&I 4)
- Describe how antiretroviral therapy may be used to prevent HIV transmission including: Mother to child transmission; Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP / PEPSE); Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP); Treatment as Prevention (TAsP) strategies including “test and treat” initiatives in high prevalence settings (I&I 4)
- Understand the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of HIV infection (I&I 4)
- Offer STI & HIV testing as part of genital sores management (I&I 4)
- To have an introduction to Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and their treatments (I&I 4)
- Explain other aspects of management – eg Patient Information, Partner Notification issues, condom use (I&I 4)
- Describe the investigation and management of abnormal renal function in an HIV-infected individual (I&I 4)
- To appreciate the importance of contact tracing and partner notification (I&I 4)
- Discuss potential management strategies for each type of malignancy (I&I 4)
- Describe the potential uses of vaccination and immunotherapy in HIV (I&I 4)
- Management of Infertility and Sub-fertility
- Management Sexual Health Disorders (Inc. HIV) - General
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Management of general O&G problems
- Understand the range of psychological responses to the actual or perceived physical illness and the disease process in relation to the health care experience (I&I 4)
- Understand referral pathway for urgent management of ectopic pregnancy (I&I 4)
- Understand the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Management of common causes of gynaecological pelvic pain - endometriosis, pelvic infection, fibroids and ovarian pathology
- Strategies for management of unexplained chronic pelvic pain
- Management of contraception
- Be able to describe a normal pregnancy and childbirth
- Know the risks, benefits and psychological impact of fetal anomaly screening and management of abnormal test results. (O&G4)
- List the possible choices that women can make in relation to ante-natal care and place of birth
- Discuss the management of the following complications of pregnancy: diabetes, anaemia, non-viral infections
- Discuss the different factors eg, access, support from GP, independent midwives etc, which influence a women's choices in pregnancy and childbirth
- Understand special concerns and considerations around sub-fertility and referral opportunities (GP5)
- Demonstrate counselling for different contraception type and termination of pregnancy (GP5)
- Management of Placental Problems
- Management of the Normal Pregnancy
- List the possible choices that women can make in relation to ante-natal care and place of birth (MedSoc1)
- Understand the basics of management of early pregnancy (e.g. Antenatal booking) and recognise the symptoms of normal early pregnancy (CC4)
- Understand the basics of postpartum care (e.g. Normal changes and common problems) in the community (CC4)
- Understand the rationale of routine post natal care in a community setting (CC4)
- Understand the rationale of routine post natal care (CC4)
- Management of Labour and associated complications
- Management of Post-Partum Problems (Maternal)
- Management of Termination of Pregnancy
- Management of the Menopause
- Management of Gynaecological Cancers (General)
- Explain the aetiology, pathogenesis, risk factors, presenting symptoms, main investigative procedures employed and prognosis of, the various cancers
- Explain the broad principles of the management of the more common malignancies in women (breast, cervix, endometrium and ovaries)
- Choose and justify the alternative adjuvant modalities eg radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy
- Recognise the rationale of follow-up, and identify the symptoms and signs of recurrent or metastatic disease
- Management of general O&G problems
- Disorders of the Elderly
- Management of Disorders of the Elderly - General
- The principles around complex discharge planning (click to see list)
- Appreciate the generic principles of working up a patient for a major operative intervention, including gaining consent (in patients with and without capacity), peri-operative care, anaesthetic assessment.
- Know and understand the peri-operative care of a patient presenting with a common fracture of the upper or lower limb in an older person
- Know and understand the principles of the post-operative rehabilitation of an older patient.
- Able to describe the process of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and list its main domains. Be able to formulate an acute and chronic problem list with individualised management plans. (HCOE4)
- Appreciate the principles of simple and complex discharge planning for an older patient recovering after a fall
- Management of Disorders of the Elderly - General
- Psychiatric Disorders
- Management of Psychiatric Disorders
- Know, as a non-specialist, how to treat a patient with a psychiatric illness (PSYCH4)
- Understand the basics of presentation, diagnosis and management of common psychiatric problems seen in the community (click to see the list) (CC4)
- Know the general management of ANY psychiatric disorder over the first 24 hours of presentation (PSYCH4)
- Understand the principles and practical application of the Mental Health Act in patient care (PSYCH4)
- To understand the two-way links between Medical diseases and Psychiatric disorders (CC4)
- To understand the uncertainty linked with management of risk in primary care (CC4)
- Psychosis (General)
- Schizophrenia
- Somatoform and Factitious Disorders
- Substance Abuse and Dependence (General)
- Describe the management of opioid dependence
- Alcoholic Withdrawal Syndrome: Know the management of alcohol withdrawal, including delirium tremens (PSYCH4)
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Describe the range of individuals and services that are available to help the problem drinker and drug user and how to match the individual with the most appropriate service (PSYCH4)
- Substance Abuse and Dependence: Know the community resources required for the optimum rehabilitation and management of substance misuse and dependence (PSYCH4)
- Alcohol Abuse and Withdrawal
- Opioid Abuse and Withdrawal
- Depression (General)
- Describe ECT as a treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance
- To describe the treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance. (PSYCH4)
- To describe the treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance (PSYCH4, PSYCH4)
- Bi-polar Disorder
- Describe ECT as a treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance
- To describe the treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance. (PSYCH4)
- Review the management of bipolar disorder.
- To describe the treatment for major depression and bipolar disorder (manic and depressive phases) for acute episodes and longer term maintenance (PSYCH4, PSYCH4)
- Anxiety Disorders (General)
- Anxiety Disorders: To describe the treatment, both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic, for each of the anxiety disorders (PSYCH4)
- Anxiety Disorders: To discuss the diagnosis and management of panic disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia and specific phobias. (PSYCH4)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: To describe the treatment, both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic, of obsessive-compulsive disorder. (PSYCH4)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: To discuss the diagnosis and management of obsessive-compulsive disorder. (PSYCH4)
- Delirium and Confusion (General)
- Dementia
- Personality Disorders (General)
- Eating Disorders
- Summarise current knowledge of the aetiology, clinical features, epidemiology, course, co-morbid disorders, complications and treatment for bulimia nervosa
- List the medical complications and indications for hospitalisation in patients with eating disorders
- Summarise current knowledge of the aetiology, clinical features, epidemiology, course, co-morbidities, complications and treatment for anorexia nervosa
- Adjustment Disorders (inc. Bereavement & Loss)
- Psychiatric Emergencies
- To know the differential diagnosis of psychiatric emergencies and strategies for treating them (PSYCH4)
- Alcoholic Withdrawal Syndrome: Know the management of alcohol withdrawal, including delirium tremens (PSYCH4)
- Know the symptoms and management of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (PSYCH4)
- Know the symptoms and management of Serotonin syndrome (PSYCH4)
- Know what to do in cases of patients with suicide risk or who pose a potential danger to self or others
- Know the symptoms and management of movement disorders including extra-pyramidal side effects; acute dystonia; akathisia and tardive dyskinesia (PSYCH4)
- Learning Disabilities
- Management of Psychiatric Disorders
- Neurological Disorders
- Emergency Management
- Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA / Stroke)
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Management of Neurological Disorders
- Interpret the history and examination in order to begin to formulate a differential diagnosis for a patient complaining of dizziness, suggest reasonable investigations and produce a management plan including pharmacological therapy where appropriate. (NEURO4)
- Describe the pathology, presentation, investigation and management of peripheral neuropathies
- Understand the basics of presentation, diagnosis and management of common neurological problems seen in the community (click to see the list) (CC4)
- Describe the pathology, presentation, investigation and management of motor neuron disease
- Awareness of chronic neurological diseases in the community recognising how these patients are managed in the community (NEURO4)
- Describe the presentation, examination and management of patients with headaches in primary care (NEURO4)
- Interpret historical and examination findings in order to begin to formulate a differential diagnosis, suggest reasonable investigations and produce a management plan including pharmacological therapy where appropriate (NEURO4)
- Ophthalmological Disorders
- General Ophthalmic Management
- Describe how visual impairment affects individual blind and partially sighted people
- Offer practical, hands-on assistance to individual blind and partially sighted patients in a manner recommended by The Royal National Institute for the Blind
- Explain what is involved in registering a patient as either blind or partially sighted
- Know the management of visual loss due to cataract (OPHTH4)
- Know the management of acute and gradual visual loss with and without pain (OPHTH4)
- List at least one way in which health workers can improve services for visually impaired patients
- Know the management of common ophthalmic emergencies eg temporal arteritis and orbital cellulitis (OPHTH4)
- Know the management of visual loss in the ageing eye, including glaucoma and macular degeneration (OPHTH4)
- General Ophthalmic Management
- Dermatological Disorders
- Management of Skin Disorders
- Have a working knowledge of the treatment options available. (DERM4)
- Know how to manage common skin conditions in general practice (click to see list) (CC4)
- Be able to outline strategies available including education, drug therapy, physical treatments, psychosocial interventions) for the management of skin disorders (DERM4)
- Management of Skin Disorders
- Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders
- To understand the pharmacological treatments for OA (GEP/M&P)
- Can describe the features and treatment of bunions, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinitis and Mortons neuroma (MusSkel4)
- To understand the pharmacological treatments for OA (LOC2)
- Can describe the features and management of fractured neck of femur and pubic ramus fracture (MusSkel4)
- To understand when and why NSAID would be used (GEP/M&P)
- To understand the alternative treatment options for OA (LOC2)
- To understand when and why NSAID would be used (LOC2)
- Understand how joints and bone injury are treated and arising complications. (LOC2)
- Understand how the anatomy can help physicians and surgeons to treat these conditions. (LOC2)
- To understand the treatment options available in primary care for common Musculoskeletal problems (CC4)
- To understand the alternative treatment options for OA (GEP/M&P)
- Apply BRAINS & AIMS when choosing, giving and monitoring the following medication for Hypercalcaemia: Saline; Furosemide; Bisphosphonates - Pamidronate; Prednisolone
- Understands the pharmacology and use of the following medications for Osteoporosis: Biphosphonates - Alendronate; Vitamin D; Calcium; Hormone Replacement Therapy - Oestrogen; Testosterone; Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators (MusSkel4)
- To have an understanding how a GP decides when to refer patients into secondary care services. (CC4)
- Therapies for muscle disorders (GEP/M&P)
- Therapies for muscle disorders (LOC2)
- To understand how fit notes are used in General Practice (CC4)
- Can discuss the pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment and complications of osteomalacia (MusSkel4)
- Can describe the causes, clinical features and management of compartment syndrome (any site), neurovascular injury (any site), septic arthritis, open fractures and cauda equina (MusSkel4)
- Can describe how to diagnose and treat giant cell arteritis (MusSkel4)
- Musculosketal Rehabilitation
- Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders