LOCOMOTOR: Musculoskeletal System
- General Outcomes for the Musculoskeletal System
- The patient with joint pain
- The patient with a hot swollen joint
- The patient with myalgia
- The patient with regional pain / soft tissue disease
- The patient with back pain
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Connective Tissue Diseases and Vasculitis
- Spondyloarthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- Crystal Arthropathies
- Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease
- Chronic Widespread Pain
- Trauma, Fractures & Soft Tissue Injuries
- Infections of Bones and Joints
- Bone tumours / Malignancy
- Paediatric Joint Diseases
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- General Outcomes for the Musculoskeletal System
- Medical knowledge: ANATOMY (TD 8.1)
- Muscles, Tendons and Movement of the Upper Limb
- Define the term opposition of the hand (GEP/M&P)
- Know the functional anatomy of the upper limb (LOC1)
- Name the joints of the elbow, the movements of the elbow, and the muscles that produce these movements.
- Be able to understand the modifications for movement and the clinical relevance of these modifications. (LOC1)
- Muscles, Tendons and Movements of the Hand
- Bones and Joints of the Upper Limb
- Be able to identify the bones, their arrangements and joints that comprise the pectoral girdle (LOC1)
- Be able to identify the bones and the osteology of the elbow joint (LOC1)
- Understand the functional anatomy of the glenohumeral joint and its modifications for alloweing movement. Understand the clinical relevance of these modification (LOC1)
- Innervation of the Shoulder, Arm and Hand
- Surface Anatomy of the Shoulder and Upper Limb
- The Brachial Plexus
- Muscles and Tendons and Movements of the Shoulder Joint
- Circulation of the Shoulder, Arm and Hand
- Bones, Muscles and Ligaments of the Pelvis
- Rectum and Anus
- Female Pelvis and Reproductive System
- Muscles, Nerves and Connective Tissue
- Surface Anatomy - General
- Bones and Joints
- The Knee Joint and Popliteal Fossa
- Describe the extra-capsular and intra-capsular ligaments of the knee joint (LOC1)
- Be able to describe the structures that pass through the popliteal region (LOC1)
- Can describe the menisci of the knee and explain how they are affected by movement
- Understand the arrangement of the bones and their osteological features that make up the knee joint (LOC1)
- Understand the function of the bursa around the knee joint
- Circulation of the lower limb and foot
- Bones and Joints of the Hip and Leg
- Bones and Joints of the Foot
- Muscles, Tendons and Movement of the Hip and Leg
- Surface Anatomy of the Hip, Leg and Foot
- Muscles, Tendons and Movement of the Foot
- Innervation of the Lower Limb and Foot
- Be able to describe the course of nerves in the lower limb. (LOC1)
- Describe the formation of the lumbar and sacral plexi (LOC1)
- Describe the formation of the lumbar and sacral plexi (GEP/M&P)
- Know the functional problems arising from damage to nerves in the lower limb and the lumbar and sacral plexi (LOC1)
- Spinal Regions, Vertebrae and Intervertebral Discs
- Muscles, Ligaments and Movements of the Back and Vertebral Column
- Muscles, Tendons and Movement of the Upper Limb
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)
- Muscle Function and the Neuromuscular Junction
- Know the structure and function of skeletal muscle
- Understand the anatomy of the neuromuscular junction
- Be able to describe the physiology of skeletal muscle
- Understand the pharmacology of the neuromuscular junction.
- Be able to describe the neuromuscular juntion to include: a) muscle fibre contraction; b) muscle metabolism; c) muscle adaptation
- Understand the physiology of the neuromuscular junction
- Peripheral Systems
- Be able to describe the main types of peripheral sensory receptors
- Be able to describe the main types of peripheral sensory receptors
- Be able to describe the types of peripheral axons and sensory nerve fibres and their conduction velocities (including ANS fibres)
- Understand how the force of muscle contraction is controlled by impulse frequency and by the recruitment of motor units
- Joint Structure and Function
- To describe the normal anatomy of synovial joints including the composition of synovial fluid and how this changes in different disease states (LOC2)
- To describe the normal microanatomy of the articular cartilage and how this changes with normal ageing and in disease states (GEP/M&P)
- Be able to describe the different types of synovial joints (LOC1)
- Be able to identify the three main types of joints and how, structurally, they influence the amount of movement possible (GEP/M&P, LOC1)
- To describe the normal microanatomy of the articular cartilage and how this changes with normal ageing and in disease states (LOC2)
- Understand how the articular cartilage and synovial fluid contribute to the function of synovial joints (GEP/M&P)
- Understand the components of a synovial joint (LOC1)
- Synovial Fluid
- To describe the normal anatomy of synovial joints including the composition of synovial fluid and how this changes in different disease states (LOC2)
- Understand how glycosaminoglycans contribute to lubricating properties of the synovial joint. (LOC1)
- Understand how synovial fluid is produced (LOC1)
- Understand how synovial fluid is produced (GEP/M&P)
- Skeletal Muscle (Striated Muscle)
- Review the normal muscle anatomy and physiology
- To describe the structure and anatomical location of the superficial and deep fascia of the lower and upper limb and the structures that are related to these fascial layers (GEP/M&P)
- To describe how the deep fascia leads to the formation of muscular compartments (GEP/M&P)
- Understand the structure of skeletal muscle fibre (LOC1)
- Understand the physiology of the skeletal muscle fibre (GEP/M&P)
- To explain how muscle function is enhanced by the fascia (GEP/M&P)
- Understand the physiology of the skeletal muscle fibre (LOC1)
- General Musculoskeletal Physiology
- Review the normal muscle anatomy and physiology
- Understand how the musculoskeletal system allows growth post natally
- Explain how injury to the median and ulnar nerves effect the function of the hand
- Understand the movements that are possible at the various joints of the hand, and the muscles involved
- Understand the two main categories of grip and the main sub-divisions within each
- Understand the functional anatomy and modification of the lower limb for stability and locomotion (LOC1)
- Walking and Posture
- Muscle Function and the Neuromuscular Junction
- Medical knowledge: PATHOLOGY (TD 8.7)
- General
- Apply knowledge of the basic anatomy of the upper and lower limb, vertebral column, joint types, muscle groups, nerve and vascular supply; to musculoskeletal diseases. (LOC2)
- Apply the normal anatomy of joints to pathological conditions. (LOC2)
- To describe the pathophysiology of calcium salt precipitation in joints. (GEP/M&P)
- To describe the pathophysiology of calcium salt precipitation in joints (LOC2)
- To examine common endocrine and metabolic muscle disorders (GEP/M&P)
- To describe the normal microanatomy of ligaments and how this changes in disease or injured states (LOC2)
- Understand common endocrine and metabolic muscle disorders (LOC2)
- General Pathology
- General
- Medical knowledge: IMMUNOLOGY and INFLAMMATION (TD 8.8)
- The Immune Response in Health
- To understand the basic immunology processes that affect the joint in disease
- To understand the basic immunology processes that affect the joint in disease (LOC2)
- To understand the basic inflammatory processes that affect the joint in disease (GEP/M&P)
- To understand the basic inflammatory processes that affect the joint in disease (LOC2)
- The Immune Response in Health
- Medical knowledge: CLINICAL FEATURES of DISEASE (TD 8 b)
- General Outcomes for Musculoskeletal Diseases
- Clinical skills: HISTORY (TD 13 a-b)
- Musculosketal History
- To obtain an appropriate musculoskeletal history from a patient presenting with either arthralgia, mylagia, back pain or chronic widespread disease (CC4)
- Can obtain a detailed musculoskeletal history from a patient presenting with either arthralgia, mylagia, back pain or chronic widespread disease (MusSkel4)
- Musculosketal History
- Clinical skills: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION (TD 13 c)
- Musculosketetal Imaging
- Describe the main features of other imaging modalitites for imaging the skeletal system. (LOC1)
- Be able to describe the role of CT and MRI for imaging the soft tissues (LOC1)
- Understand additional X-Ray based imaging techniques for specialised imaging of the skeletal system (LOC1)
- Be aware of other imaging modalities for assessing muscle and soft tissue (LOC1)
- Understand the advantages and disadvantages of X-Rays for imaging the skeletal system (LOC1)
- Can identify the characteristic radiological abnormailities of the common rheumatic diseases including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, pseudogout, psoriatic arthritis and disorders affecting the spine (MusSkel4)
- Can identify the characteristic radiological abnormailities, complications and management of the common upper limb fractures, including: Clavicle, Humeral head/neck/shaft, Supracondylar, Olecranon, Radius and Ulnar, and Scaphoid. (MusSkel4)
- Musculoskeletal Investigation
- Musculosketetal Imaging
- Clinical skills: MAKING A DIAGNOSIS and CLINICAL JUDGEMENT (TD 14 e-f)
- Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Clinical skills: FORMULATING A TREATMENT PLAN (TD 14 g)
- Pain Relief
- Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders
- Clinical skills: SURGERY and ANAESTHETICS (TD 14 g)
- General Surgical Outcomes
- Analgesic Drugs
- Be able to distinguish between the following terms and conditions: Pain secondary to inflammation; Neuropathic pain; Pain secondary to malignancy; WHO analgesic ladder (MusSkel4)
- Know how to select the type, route, dose and frequency of analgesia to maximise efficacy and reduce harm (MusSkel4)
- Knows the indications for choosing, giving and monitoring the following medications: Aspirin; Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac; Cyclo-oxygenase 2 selective inhibitors (Coxibs) eg Celecoxib; Local Anaesthesi (MusSkel4)
- Analgesic Drugs
- Medical knowledge: ANATOMY (TD 8.1)
- The patient with joint pain
- The patient with a hot swollen joint
- The patient with myalgia
- The patient with regional pain / soft tissue disease
- The patient with back pain
- General Topics
- To describe and be aware of the common problems associated with the back
- Can describe the common causes of back pain (MusSkel4)
- Understands the concept of red and yellow flags (MusSkel4)
- Can identify the vertebrae from the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions; understand the joints connecting the adjacent vertebrae
- Can describe the difference between referred and radicular symptoms (MusSkel4)
- Can describe six red flag features and understand their diagnostic value (MusSkel4)
- Disc disease
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Spondylosis, spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis
- Describe the pathology, presentation, investigation and management of spondylosis (NEURO4)
- Describe the resuscitation and immediate management of patients suffering from injury to the spine (NEURO4)
- Knows the clinical and radiological features of spondylosis, spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis (MusSkel4)
- General Topics
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- General outcomes
- Has a basic understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis, causes, pathology, symptoms and treatments (LOC2)
- To understand the pharmacology of the DMARDs for RA (LOC2)
- Rheumatoid arthritis, causes, pathology, symptoms and treatments
- To understand the new biological for RA (LOC2)
- Knows the pathophysiology, and clinical and radiological features of rheumatoid arthritis (MusSkel4)
- Knows about the use of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in RA (MusSkel4)
- Knows how to diagnose and treat a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (MusSkel4)
- General outcomes
- Connective Tissue Diseases and Vasculitis
- General
- Scleroderma
- Polymyositis
- Vasculitis
- Understand the classification of vasculitis (CR3)
- Understand the pathology of common vasculitis conditions (CR3)
- Understand the importance of anti-nuclear cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) (CR3)
- Understand the signs and symptoms and pathology of Polyarteritis nodosa, Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis) and ANCA related vasculitis. (CR3)
- Give a differential diagnosis of conditions presenting like vasculitis (CR3)
- Can outline a simple classification of vasculitis (MusSkel4)
- Can list the clinical features and basic management of the major vasculitides (MusSkel4)
- Give an outline of a simple classification of vasculitis (CR3)
- Give an account of polyarteritis nodosa (CR3)
- Spondyloarthritis
- Osteoarthritis
- General Topics
- Knows the clinical features of osteoarthritis
- To understand the pharmacological treatments for OA (GEP/M&P)
- To understand the pharmacological treatments for OA (LOC2)
- Be aware of the different types of Osteoarthritis and the known causes of these (LOC2)
- Osteoarthritis: causes, pathology, symptoms and treatments
- To understand the alternative treatment options for OA (LOC2)
- To understand the alternative treatment options for OA (GEP/M&P)
- Understand the pattern of joints affected in Osteoarthritis and why (LOC2)
- Can describe the pathology, clinical & radiological features and treatment of osteoarthritis (MusSkel4)
- To understand surgical options for OA (GEP/M&P)
- To understand surgical options for OA (LOC2)
- Understand the process of degeneration of the cartilage that leads to Osteoarthritis (LOC2)
- Can describe the surgical approach to degenerative joint disease (MusSkel4)
- General Topics
- Crystal Arthropathies
- Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease
- Metabolic Bone Disease General
- Osteoporosis
- Understands the pharmacology and use of the following medications for Osteoporosis: Biphosphonates - Alendronate; Vitamin D; Calcium; Hormone Replacement Therapy - Oestrogen; Testosterone; Selective Oestrogen Receptor Modulators (MusSkel4)
- Is able to identify risk factors for Osteoporosis and give appropriate prophylaxis (non-pharmacological and pharmacological) (MusSkel4)
- Can describe the pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment and complications of osteoporosis (MusSkel4)
- Osteoporosis in Older People
- Osteomalacia
- Disorders of Calcium Metabolism
- Paget's Disease
- Renal Osteodystrophy
- Chronic Widespread Pain
- Trauma, Fractures & Soft Tissue Injuries
- General Outcomes
- To understand the different types of joint replacement available and the advantages and disadvantages of each
- To describe the different types of fractures (LOC2)
- Can describe a classification scheme for fractures (MusSkel4)
- Common orthopaedic procedures and treatment options (LOC2)
- To describe the common traumas seen that affect the muscuoskletal system and their complications and treatments. (LOC2)
- To describe the different types of fractures (GEP/M&P)
- To describe the main treatment options for dealing with bone fractures (LOC2)
- To understand the other orthopedic procedures that are available for joint and bone related problems
- To describe the main treatment options for dealing with bone fractures (GEP/M&P)
- To describe how bones repair themselves after a fracture (LOC2)
- To describe how bones repair themselves after a fracture (GEP/M&P)
- List local and general complications post orthopaedic surgery (MusSkel4)
- Emergency conditions
- Shoulder injuries
- Elbow injuries
- Ligament lesions
- Wrist & hand injuries
- Hip injuries
- Knee injuries
- Peronal palsy
- Ankle injuries
- General Outcomes
- Infections of Bones and Joints
- General topics
- Osteomyelitis and septic arthritis
- Can outline the aetiology, pathology and sequelae of osteomyelitis and septic arthritis (MusSkel4)
- Understands how to investigate musculoskeletal infection and how to interpret the results including synovial fluid analysis (MusSkel4)
- Can describe the clinical features and management of bone and joint infections (MusSkel4)
- Septic arthritis
- Tuberculosis
- Bone tumours / Malignancy
- Paediatric Joint Diseases
- General Topics
- Understand the different age presentations of the three childhood hip conditions (MusSkel4)
- To be aware of paediatric orthopaedic conditions and common treatment options
- Can describe the clincal features and management of the common paediatric orthopaedic disorders (DDH, CTEV, Perthe's disease, SUFE) (MusSkel4)
- Understand the development and management of paediatric conditions and how to recognise them on radiographs. (LOC2)
- Dysplasia of the hip
- Perthes disease and slipped upper femoral epiphysis
- Talipes
- Bone and catilage disorders
- General Topics
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