- General Outcomes for Ophthalmology
- Occular Trauma
- Acute Red Eye
- Neuro-Ophthalmology and Squints
- Sudden Visual Loss
- General Outcomes for Ophthalmology
- Medical knowledge: ANATOMY (TD 8.1)
- Anatomy of the Eye
- Anatomy of the Eye
- Describe the blood supply to the retina and the significance of the choroids.
- Know the clinically relevant ocular and neuro-anatomy
- Know the clinically relevant ocular and neuro-anatomy
- Describe the main neuronal cell types in the retinal and their role in transmission of visual information (GEP/BB)
- Describe the blood supply to the retina and the significance of the choroidal circulation (GEP/BB)
- Anatomy of the Ear
- Anatomy of the Eye
- Medical knowledge: PHYSIOLOGY (TD 8.2)
- Vision
- Describe the structure of the eye and the signficance of the cornea, lens, aqueous and vitreous humours
- Describe the mechanism for the production of lacrimal secretions and the role of these secretions in vision (GEP/BB)
- Describe the visual pathway from optic nerve to visual cortex
- Explain the conditions of glaucoma and cataract and their probable causes
- Explain how information from one half of the visual field reaches the contralateral visual cortex
- Explain the conditions of glaucoma and cataract and their probable causes (GEP/BB)
- Describe the normal pupillary and accommodation reflexes and their clinical significance (GEP/BB)
- Describe the mechanism of photo-transduction in the photoreceptors
- Describe how photons absorbed by photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) cause changes in the membrane potential of these cells (GEP/BB)
- Describe the visual pathway from photoreceptor to optic nerve
- Explain what is meant by the retinal ‘dark current’ (GEP/BB)
- Describe the effect of lesions at various points within the visual pathways
- Vision
- Medical knowledge: PATHOLOGY (TD 8.7)
- The Eye and Systemic Disease
- Neonatal Conjunctivitis
- Squints and Ambylopia
- Clinical skills: HISTORY (TD 13 a-b)
- Examination of the Eye
- Examination of the Eye (OPHTH4)
- Be able to competently perform an examination of eye movements and extra-ocular muscle function including use of the cover test.
- Be able to competently perform an examination of eye movements and extra-ocular muscle function including use of the cover test (OPHTH4)
- Be able to perform a visual assessment including that for driving, refractive errors and their correction, management of the visually-handicapped patient in the community (OPHTH4)
- Be able to perform a visual assessment including that for driving, refractive errors and their correction, management of the visually-handicapped patient in the community.
- Be able to perform an assessment of visual acuity, pupils, colour vision and visual fields (OPHTH4)
- Know the correct technique used to make an assessment of a patient's eyes - including visual acuity, visual fields, ocular movements and pupillary reflexes
- Be able to perform an assessment of visual acuity, pupils, colour vision and visual fields.
- Be competent in the use of direct ophthalmoscope to examine the fundus including: how to recognise signs of diabetic retinopathy, normal and abnormal optic nerves, the macula, abnormalities of the retinal vasculature; examination for red reflex (OPHTH4)
- Be competent in the use of direct ophthalmoscope to examine the fundus including: how to recognise signs of diabetic retinopathy, normal and abnormal optic nerves, the macula, abnormalities of the retinal vasculature; examination for red reflex
- Competently be able to carry out an examination of the eye using a torch, magnifying aid and where possible, a slit lamp; methods and use of pupil dilation (OPHTH4)
- Competently be able to carry out an examination of the eye using a torch, magnifying aid and where possible, a slit lamp; methods and use of pupil dilation.
- Be able to perform an examination of the basic visual reflexes
- Be able to competently take an ophthalmic history (OPHTH4)
- Taking a History
- Examination of the Eye
- Clinical skills: MAKING A DIAGNOSIS and CLINICAL JUDGEMENT (TD 14 e-f)
- General Outcomes for Ophthalmology Diagnosis
- Know the symptoms of cataract and be able to diagnose cataract (OPHTH4)
- Understand the involvement of the eye in diabetes and other systemic disorders e.g. hypertension. (OPHTH4)
- Understand Paediatric ocular problems including the neonatal eye, squint and amblyopia. (OPHTH4)
- Know the causes of visual loss due to cataract (OPHTH4)
- Understand Paediatric ocular problems including the neonatal eye, squint and amblyopia
- Know the complications that can arise from cataract operations (OPHTH4)
- Know the diagnosis of red eyes (OPHTH4)
- Know the diagnosis of red eyes (OPHTH4)
- Diagnosis in Children
- General Outcomes for Ophthalmology Diagnosis
- Clinical skills: FORMULATING A TREATMENT PLAN (TD 14 g)
- General Ophthalmic Management
- Describe how visual impairment affects individual blind and partially sighted people
- Offer practical, hands-on assistance to individual blind and partially sighted patients in a manner recommended by The Royal National Institute for the Blind
- Know the management of visual loss due to cataract (OPHTH4)
- Explain what is involved in registering a patient as either blind or partially sighted
- List at least one way in which health workers can improve services for visually impaired patients
- General Ophthalmic Management
- Pharmacological Therapy - Ophthalmological Disorders (General)
- Professional issues: ETHICS and LAW (TD 20 a-g)
- Disability Discrimination Act
- Medical knowledge: ANATOMY (TD 8.1)
- Occular Trauma
- Acute Red Eye
- General Outcomes for Acute Red Eye
- Know the common disorders affecting the cornea, conjunctiva, eyelids and the watery eye. (OPHTH4)
- Know the common retinal disorders including detachment, retinal vascular disorders and the use of lasers. (OPHTH4)
- Know the diagnosis of red eyes (OPHTH4)
- Know the diagnosis of red eyes (OPHTH4)
- Know the management of red eyes (OPHTH4)
- General Outcomes for Acute Red Eye
- Neuro-Ophthalmology and Squints
- Sudden Visual Loss
- General Outcomes for Sudden Visual Loss
- Know about the common ophthalmic emergencies and how they are diagnosed eg Central Retinal Artery Occlusion; Temporal Arteritis
- Know about the common ophthalmic emergencies and how they are diagnosed eg Central Retinal Artery Occlusion; Temporal Arteritis (OPHTH4)
- Know the causes of acute and gradual visual loss with and without pain (OPHTH4)
- Know the causes of acute and gradual visual loss with and without pain.
- Know the causes of visual loss in the ageing eye (OPHTH4)
- Know the causes of visual loss in the ageing eye to include cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
- Know the management of acute and gradual visual loss with and without pain.
- Know the management of acute and gradual visual loss with and without pain (OPHTH4)
- Know the management of common ophthalmic emergencies eg temporal arteritis and orbital cellulitis
- Know the management of common ophthalmic emergencies eg temporal arteritis and orbital cellulitis (OPHTH4)
- Know the management of visual loss in the ageing eye to include cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
- Know the management of visual loss in the ageing eye, including glaucoma and macular degeneration (OPHTH4)
- General Outcomes for Sudden Visual Loss