Barts and The London, School of Medicine and Dentistry

Apply to medical practice the principles, method and knowledge of population health and the improvement of health and healthcare (click to see list)


This learning outcome is a primary level outcome.

Other Details

(a)  Discuss basic principles of health improvement, including the wider determinants of health, health inequalities, health risks and disease surveillance. 
(b)  Assess how health behaviours and outcomes are affected by the diversity of the patient population. 
(c)  Describe measurement methods relevant to the improvement of clinical effectiveness and care. 
(d)  Discuss the principles underlying the development of health and health service policy, including issues relating to health economics and equity, and clinical guidelines. 
(e)  Explain and apply the basic principles of communicable disease control in hospital and community settings. 
(f)  Evaluate and apply epidemiological data in managing healthcare for the individual and the community. 
(g)  Recognise the role of environmental and occupational hazards in ill-health and discuss ways to mitigate their effects.
(h)  Discuss the role of nutrition in health. 
(i)  Discuss the principles and application of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of disease.
(j)  Discuss from a global perspective the determinants of 
health and disease and variations in healthcare delivery and medical practice. 



This learning outcome is taught in the following sessions:


This learning outcome is assessed in the following ways:

GMC theme

This learning outcome maps to the following GMC theme: